- Christmas Cards are DONE!!!
- Christmas shopping is DONE!!!
- Took a ride on The Polar Express with the kids and close buddies this past weekend.
- Had 13 houseguests (Jenn's Family) for 5 days for Thanksgiving and it was a blast!
- Had 5 houseguests (Matt's Family) for 4 days just prior to that.
- "Snow" in Tucson and I was wearing flip flops, of course.
- Jackson graduated and had a birthday.
- Halloween-Two Spidermen, a girl in a bathtub, and a skeleton-type thing.
- Carving pumpkins with power tools-gotta love that husband of mine...
- Sorry excuse for a trip to the pumpkin patch
- Busy with work-mostly post placement services and adoption finalizations, which I love.
Stay tuned for pictures.
***Why is it that I can see the bullets when I'm typing up the post, but they don't show on my blog? What am I doing wrong??