Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Don't miss Meg Ryan on Oprah today!

Of course, I have a meeting so I'll have to. No Tivo for this family! And sadly, even if I owned a blank video tape, I don't think I'd remember how to set the VCR-it's been so long. It's really a miracle that I can send an email let alone maintain my blog. I expect a full report on the message boards! Click here for the teaser.


Elle said...

You didn't miss much. The teaser pretty much covered it. They talked about the adoption and her daughter for maybe 2 minutes. I was sooo disappointed!

Pug Mama said...

Darn it! I missed it!!! Is it just me, or did she look a little "high" (only viewed the teaser, so maybe not)

Jenn said...

Well, my 10 year-old came through for me with a video tape when I returned home! He sacrificed an old Pokemon tape. I was disappointed with how little she talked about her adoption experience-I wanted details!!! Doesn't she have a blog??? Has she posted on APC? Also, it was hard to concentrate on what she was saying when I was so distracted trying to figure out which of her facial features were "originals" and which ones she had "messed with." Cute baby!

Elle said...

Haha!! I was obsessed with her facial features too!