Friday, August 11, 2006

According to My Fortune Cookies...

Grandma, Josh, Xander and I went to Pei Wei for lunch today (love that honey-seared chicken!) I usually get stupid stuff in my fortune cookies but today was different. The first one said, "Be prepared to recieve something special" and the second (because you know I can't have just one!) said, "Next summer you will be dancing to a different tune." I certainly hope so! I'm still counting on a March 2007 referral and bringing Meili home in May...

Check out the pictures of Xander trying to use chopsticks... I tried my best to show him the ropes but he insisted upon using the "stab" method. Too cute!

1 comment:

Christie said...

Long time reader, first time post-er (grin) - but I wanted you to know that I too, have been known to get a great fortune and keep it because it reminds me of my adoption journey. The last one I saved said "be prepared for a great surprise" - since we requested twins, I keep hoping that little fortune will be true! I know it's silly, but then again, we all love ladybug sightings too, don't we? We also have a March LID, so I'm with you...hoping for a march referral, and bringing home baby in May!

Christie B.