Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Special Day with a Special Boy

Today, I had a home study appointment with a family that lives on a farm about 2 hours away. I thought the 4 hour drive would be a good opportunity to spend some one on one time with a kiddo so with the family's permission, I brought Noah along. He had a great time with the family's two sons who played with him on a tractor tire swing, in the dirt with army guys and showed him around the farm while I interviewed the parents. Noah came home asking for a mule!

After the hs interview, I took Noah to an orchard to pick apples. Noah took the job quite seriously as you can see. He picked out the perfect tool for the job and searched the orchard for the perfect fruit on the perfect tree. Then, he weighed the fruit, payed for it and loaded it into the car. He has big plans to make caramel apples for the whole family.
Noah is such a smart, sensitive, kind-hearted and funny little guy. He's going to grow up to be quite a man someday.
But I'm not in a hurry for that. I'm enjoying every minute that I can with my favorite seven year-old boy!

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