Saturday, May 15, 2010

Blog Repentance

One day not so long ago, I found myself leisurely perusing the jade counter in a Friendship Store in Beijing, China. I was pleasantly interrupted by a stranger who exclaimed, 'You don't know me but I'm from the Netherlands, and I LOVE YOUR BLOG!'

I may never reclaim the heights of my two seconds of international infamy, but please know that I have plans to dust off the cobwebs and get back to work on this blog. After all, we've got a whole lot of cuteness going on over here these days. :)


Kim said...

I am waiting ...
Can't wait to see how things are going and what you have been up too..

Emily said...

Can't wait to read more! SO glad you haven't thrown int he towel!

Lisa and Tate said...

Fun! I have got to send you pics of our visit to y'all!


Christie said...

GIRL. Long time no bloggy...

Glad to "see" you...

Oh, and the bathroom minus the squatty is gorgeous...