Monday, April 10, 2006

My Word Cloud

These word clouds have been 'floating' around the blogosphere for a while now. Thought I'd try it out. I'm not sure why mine is so blurry??? Anyway, I think it would be neat to wear these shirts in Guangzhou. There are so many of my blog friends out there that I would love to meet in person. I might not recognize your face in China, but I'd recognize your blog!!!


mskajlc said...

OH NO.. I couldnt wear my Word Cloud in China, or anywhere else for that matter!!! Check out what mine said...

It was a real good laugh, but it goes nowhere other than blogland!

Erin said...

I love that idea! I finally did mine and it was really cool. Thanks for the idea!

OziMum said...

Love it - it was blurry - but when I clicked on it, it opened an new window!


Elle said...

Hey! You just got tagged - check out my blog!

How are you?????

Angela said...

Hey, I agree, I would like to be able to recognize ya'll too!
Well I see I'm not alone, I am tagging you too!