Monday, December 04, 2006

At Least We Are in the Lineup...

In our monthly email from our Agency, it looks like we are still in review. It will be very exciting to see the official CCAA website change to say that we are out of review and have passed inspection. This could happen any day now. Even though the wait still looks depressing from where we stand, I noticed today that there are far more LIDs behind us than there are ahead of us. I actually counted and there are 21 LIDs in line ahead of us and 41 LIDs behind us. So, it could be worse I guess. My WAG -if you don't know what that stands for, I'm not going to tell you ;o)-is that the wait will get worse before it gets better. I really think that we won't benefit from the 'better' but those who are further behind us in line will see things pick up one day and have their babies home much sooner than they think. However, for us I see a record-breaking wait. ..but that's just according to my own crystal ball.


Ava's family said...

I was excited when I saw that April is in the review room too. I think that they still list February because the CCAA site hasn't officially been updated. I think where you & I are sitting we may be in pretty good shape.....Oooohhhh, I hope I'm right!
For my WAG.....I think things will continue until we hit January LID's and then BAM.....I think we will start seeing whole months (at least until they hit the monster month of March)!

OziMum said...

Apparently Sept and Oct 2005 are huge months. I've got everything crossed that once we get past those months, HOPEFULLY, things may move a little quicker?

Christie said...

Amen to that! Can't wait to be out of the scrutiny room and into the "where's my baby?!?" room!