Wednesday, March 05, 2008

On Edge

I'm a bit worried about the ladybug on the ticker at the top of my blog. What happens on Monday when we hit the 2 YEARS SINCE LID mark? Will she fall over the edge and meet her doom? Will the ticker 'expire'? Or will it just start to track years instead of months?


OziMum said...

haha! I thought the same thing about my ladybug ticker!

No! Your timing will go from months to years... great huh! Just when we are coming down to counting "months" not "years"?!!!

Ava's family said...

It's pretty sad when it's taken soooooo long that the ticker might expire! I'll be curious to see what happens on Monday! I can hardly believe it's been 2 years.............

Lisa and Tate said...

I am not sure if the ladybug is survive!!! Interesting to see what will happened to the damsel of doom. Happy 2 next monday!!! Yikes!
