Thursday, July 20, 2006

Almost Outta Here!

We're almost all packed and ready to leave for Utah/Yellowstone on Saturday. Interspersed between the long car rides where I get to serve as stewardess to 4 children will be calm relaxing days of hiking, waterfalls, horse-back riding, dutch oven cooking! and catching up with old friends. We moved to Tucson from Salt Lake about 2 1/2 years ago. It will be nice to go back and see all the things that we miss! I'll be away from the computer for the entire trip which probably isn't a bad thing... I'm counting on Lisa to fill me in on the latest referral news when we meet for bagels on the 29th! Back on the 30th-better be some good news in the adoption world when I return!!!


Mom 2 six said...

Have a wonderful trip !!!
I will send you my pro/con list by the time you get back. Enjoy this time away !!

OziMum said...

Have a great trip! Don't envy ya - packed in a car with 4 kidlets "Are we there yet?!!!"

Always brings back memories of National Lampoons Vacation!!!

Drive safe
:) Lee-Anne

Anonymous said...

Have a fun trip. It is a beautiful place to visit.