Tuesday, June 26, 2007

And They're Off!!!

My braces, that is... I brought them home in a ziploc bag to show the kids and Xander was a bit freaked out. Audrey says she likes me better with braces. Thanks. Here's the scary before and after self-portraiture from this morning. My tongue is going to be sore tomorrow from scoping out the smooth teeth. It feels weird but great to be free! There is a chocolate caramel apple from Rocky Mountain Ch*colate Factory in the plans for a celebration this evening!



Mom 2 six said...

Looking good !!
Nice choppers. We just went for Harrison's consultation.
5400.00 eeekkk!

Emily said...

Your teeth look great Jenn! Hope you enjoyed that caramel apple!!

Shannon said...

What a beautiful smile!

Christie said...

Whoo hoo! Good for you! You look mahvelus!

Mark and Heather said...

Yippy! Your teeth look beautiful!

jennifer said...

Congratulations! You look great. I also had braces as an adult and know how wonderful it is to get them off! Enjoy that caramel!

Lisa and Tate said...

Oh wow... Just amazingly beautiful!!!
