Friday, June 08, 2007

That's my boy!

Just got Xander's portraits back from the studio. I just love this brown-eyed boy! I bribed him with candy during the shoot. It was a riot to see him concentrate so hard on doing what the photographer told him to do. The kid will do anything for a push pop! I can't believe that he will be turning 4 in a few months. We have never had a child turn 3 without a new baby, so to have one turn 4 will be really weird. Having him turn 5 before Meili comes home is an unfortunate possiblity. Trying to look on the bright side, I am really enjoying spending time with him and watching him learn and grow without any distractions. I thought I'd share a few things about him that I want to remember:

A few weeks ago, we were getting ready to go outside in the front yard to play. Xander asked for some help in finding his shoes because he wanted to be, "human foot, not 'bear' foot."

The other day, when he put his shoes on without socks he said, "it's okay Mom, my feet can just go commando!"

Sadly, Xander has now corrected most of the words that we used to enjoy hearing him mispronounce but I love that he still calls sunscreen, 'sunscream.'

Each morning when he wakes up, he will come and find me and say, "Good morning, sunshine!" and then climb into my lap for some cuddle time.

When I tell him that I love him, he reponds, "...and I double love you, Mommy."

I double love you too, Xanderbonie.


Mom 2 six said...

Oh how I hear you. Keaton also ended up older by the time Mia came but that really helped once she arrived.
* I know that doesn't make the wait any better.

I LOVE the age of 4 and up....great pictures.

Ava's family said...

Awwwww, he is adorable!

jennifer said...

He is too cute. My youngest now is six. I am like you - always had another baby to run after. It is so much fun to be able to watch them grow. Here's hoping the CCAA will light a fire under it!!!